пятница, 30 мая 2014 г.

Your elegant photobook Vol.2

Hi my friends :). I hasten to show you my new set. I admire on how beautiful it turned out. Forgive me for my immodesty, LOL. Let's see!

Your elegant photobook Vol.2
Available at PBP 

This set completely combines with my previous set of templates:
Your elegant photobook Vol.1

This is a set of ready-to-use double templates to create your beautiful photobook in one general style. The set already contain elegant background-papers! So all what you need to create beautiful photobook is in the one set!

It is perfect for wedding, family, baby photobooks or books from pregnancy photoshoot. All the most tender photos will look magnificently in these templates!

You can use included papers or add your own and get another look!
All the templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties which you can change how you need. Just add your photos!

This set include:
5 double templates + 1 additional variant (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix).
2 beautiful background-papers (7500x4000 pix, so you have possibility to move them in template how you need)

All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG & TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

And look at our pages from this set:

by Juliya
by me

by Art-Bakin
by Nataliya Zima
by PLM
by Natalka
by Skripka
And guess you wait to know who is winner of this set
 My congratulations to
Yelena Uluyuz ! Contact me to get your coupon ;)
Thank you very much for all your comments! I really love to read them! 

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вторник, 27 мая 2014 г.

New announcement and chance to WIN!

Hi all! It's time for new announcement!  My second set of Elegant photobook templates will coming this Friday (May 30th) in PBP shop! And read carefully, because your chances of winning it increase!

"Your elegant photobook Vol.2"


Do you want to win this set? Now you have 4 chances!

1) leave a comment here in blog
2) leave a comment on Facebook page
3) share the message on FB page  
4) rePin this on Pinterest!

and on Friday will be chosen one winner who'll get this set for FREE!

And be sure you are subscribed to newsletter to don't miss out my new releases and sales and surprises :)

Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 23 мая 2014 г.

New pages and fantastic photobook!

Hi my friends!
Today I want to share with you the awesome photobook made from my templates by Natalia Lysenco aka Natalka! I always fall in love with her LOs and doubly pleased to see the finished printed book. Someday, when her daughter grows up, she will appreciate the mother's efforts for keeping such priceless moments for her! Look how it is adorably! Thank you very much Natalia for send me these pictures!

Used sets for this book:

And also here are more new pages for your inspiration: 
page by Skripka from One style pack #1
page by Natalka from  One style pack #2
page by Juliya from  One style pack #3 
page by me from  One style pack #4 and #6     
page by Nataliya Zima from One style pack #5

page by PLM from  One style pack #7
page by Art-Bakin One style pack #8
Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 16 мая 2014 г.

Your elegant photobook Vol.1

Hi digiscrapers :). This moment is now! My new series of photobook-templates is started and the first set is already in the shop!

Your elegant photobook Vol.1

Available at PBP 

This is a set of ready-to-use double templates to create your beautiful photobook in one general style. The set already contain elegant background-papers! So all what you need to create beautiful photobook is in the one set!

It is perfect for wedding, family, baby photobooks or books from pregnancy photoshoot. All the most tender photos will look magnificently in these templates!

You can use included papers or add your own and get another look!
All the templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties which you can change how you need. Just add your photos!

This set include:
5 double templates (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix).
2 beautiful background-papers (7500x4000 pix, so you have possibility to move them in template how you need)

All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG & TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

And see our pages from this set:

by me
 by Juliya
 by Nataliya Zima
 by PLM
by Natalka
 by Skripka

And finally I can declare who is winner of this set
 My congratulations to
Susanne Goerke! Contact me to get your coupon ;)
Thank you very much for all your comments! I am really happy to read them! 

Join to my newsletter:

понедельник, 12 мая 2014 г.

New announcement

Hi all! Today I am here with something really new :) I start a new project, a new series of photobook-templates. But they will be more "ready to use", because ... they already contain backgrounds! The last few weeks I have been designing templates, drawing papers, and I can say that it will be really beautiful and elegant! Therefore, the name for the new series was born  by itself -
"Your elegant photobook"
Here is the announcement of first set!
New set of photobook templates will coming this Friday (May 16th) in PBP shop!

And... you have a chance to win it!


Do you want to win this set? Now you have 4 chances!

1) leave a comment here in blog
2) leave a comment on Facebook page
3) share the message on FB page  
4) rePin this on Pinterest!

and on Friday will be chosen one winner who'll get this set for FREE!

And be sure you are subscribed to newsletter to don't miss out my new releases and sales and surprises :)

Jasmin-Olya Designs

четверг, 8 мая 2014 г.

Beautiful photobook and inspiration!

Hi my friends! 
Today I want to show you one more beautiful photobook made from my templates by Larissa Bakina! All the book is made of templates from One style pack #8, but I admire how Larissa used them! She added tender background and got fantastic look! This is another way to use my templates, a little bit unusual for me :). Look how beautiful it is!

Thank you very much Larissa for share your photos! I always happy to see printed books!

And also here are some new pages by our team from  One style pack #8

LO by Skripka from Your classic photobook Vol.14

LO by Jasmin-Olya from Your classic photobook Vol.46

 LO by Natalka from Your classic photobook Vol.47
 LO by Juliya from Your classic photobook Vol.48
 LO by PLM from Your classic photobook Vol.49
LO by Nataliya Zima from Your classic photobook Vol.49

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