пятница, 30 января 2015 г.

Your classic photobook Vol.50

Hi my friends! Today's release I do with great pleasure! I very missed of pages for my own family books, for which I use photos of my child. It's a really different feeling than doing a book from photos of other people :). It is a delight!

My new templates  are great choice for creating family photobooks where you can tell little stories, write interesting memories about the photos on every page. I LOVE the small stories in my own books! It is soooo interesting to read them after the years! So... WRITE journaling! :)

Your classic photobook Vol.50
Available at PBP 

Do you want to create your own photobook easily and simply? Do it using photos only! No need for kits or other elements. Each template focuses on your photos and is not distracted by superfluous details.

This set include 5 double templates (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix). So each page in your book will be harmonious and you will not have to think about how to pick a pair of your single layouts.

All templates are in 4 versions:  PSD, PNG and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you. 

Here are our pages from this set:

by Art Bakin
by Natalka
by Skripka
by Juliya
by Nataliya Zima
by Elena_Y

See also my previous sets of double templates:

And finally it is time to to define the lucky :)
Random.org helps me as always 
Aaaaand this time the winner iiiiiis.... 
Congrats my dear :)

Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

Jasmin-Olya Designs

среда, 28 января 2015 г.

News, announcement and chance to win my new set!

Hi my dears!
Today I have a couple of good news for you :)

The first is - the renewed PBP shop is again online!

We were only offline for two days, but you'll see that we went through a lot of BIG CHANGES during that time! There were updated and added loads of new features that will make your digi shopping fast, fun and easy!

Our new layout is compact, clean and totally organized. We think that you’ll find what you’re looking for FAST! Feel free to look around and explore – we want you to be happy with the changes, so let us know if you have any suggestions or requests!

We still have a few little tweaks to make, so you may notice some minor changes in the coming days. But, we were so anxious to show your our shop, that we just couldn’t wait! So, head to the shop…and shop ‘til you drop!

The second news as you can see on the banner is the STORE WILD SALE! So be fast if you want to get something with sweet price ;)))

And finally the third news is... new announcement of my next set of beautiful photobook-templates! I really love what I made this time! So don't miss your chance to win this set!

My 50th set of Your Classic photobook templates will be released this Friday (January 30th) in PBP shop! And you have a *** CHANCE TO WIN *** it! Read attentively, because you can increase your chances to win!

Your classic photobook Vol.50


Do you want to win this set?
Now you have 5 chances!
1)  leave me a comment here in blog
2) leave a comment on Facebook page
3) share the message on FB page
4)  rePin this image on Pinterest! 
5) repost this sneak-pick in your instagram, pick me on the image and leave me a comment there to make me possibility to see that you are playing. And don't forget to follow me

and on Friday will be chosen one winner who'll get this set for FREE!

And be sure you are subscribed to newsletter to don't miss out my new releases and sales and surprises :)

Jasmin-Olya Designs

воскресенье, 25 января 2015 г.

Shop upgrade

Hy everybody! Just wanted to let you know about our shop upgrade

пятница, 23 января 2015 г.

Some words

Хочу обратиться к пиратам и прочим людям, кто считает, что разбогатеет, обманув ближнего, или просто радуется, завладев чем-то даром. Я понимаю, что скорее всего эта затея бессмысленна. Но меня распирает от злости и обиды. Вчера меня огорошило сообщение о махинациях и фактическом воровстве моих наборов на приличную сумму. Еще год назад я бы не так сильно переживала на этот счет, но сейчас... Я не стремилась давить на жалость, но придется повторить еще раз - я из Донецка! Я уехала из родного города из-за войны, оставив всё, что было - там! Моя семья живет в съемной квартире, за которую нужно платить, где-то брать деньги. Я не просила и не прошу помогать мне, но я прошу не отнимать у меня то, чем я могу зарабатывать! Будьте людьми!

I want to appeal to the pirates and other people who think that get rich by cheating neighbor, or simply glad taking possession of something for nothing. I understand that most likely this idea is meaningless. But I was bursting with anger and resentment. Yesterday I was taken aback a message about the machinations and the actual stealing of my sets on a decent sum. Even 1 year ago I would not have worried so much about this, but now ... I'm not trying to put pressure on the pity, but I have to repeat once again - I am from Donetsk (Ukraine)! I left my home because of WAR, do you understand??? WAR! We left all what we have - there! My family lives in a rented apartment, for which we have to pay and of course to take the money somewhere for it. I didn't ask and do not ask to help me, no! But I beg you not to take away from me what I earn! Please be a human! And let it never happen to you!

Pages from Elegant bundle #1

Hi! Today we'll show you our pages from Elegant bundle #1. All background papers are included to the bundle-pack

Page by me from Your elegant photobook Vol.1
 Page by NataliyaZima from Your elegant photobook Vol.1
 Page by Skripka from Your elegant photobook Vol.2
 Page by Juliya from Your elegant photobook Vol.3
Page by Natalka from Your elegant photobook Vol.4
 Page by ArtBakin from Your elegant photobook Vol.5

пятница, 16 января 2015 г.

Book from "Elegant bundle #1"

Today I want to show you the book made by Art-Bakin from my templates "Elegant bundle #1".

You know that I love to see the images of ready books, so I again tell THANK you Larissa for sending me the images! The book is amazing!

понедельник, 12 января 2015 г.

Proud designer of PBP :)

Hi all :)
I just wanted to brag of my little joy :). A few days before the New Year, I received a wonderful, pleasant and unexpected surprise from PBP! It was a card with warm wishes, mouse pad and magnets with the logo of our store! You have not seen my reaction! I jumped like a child! The fact is that we all know each other in the Internet, but in my opinion not very aware of each other as real people. And then I get this gift and it is real! It can be touched! PBP is real! :))) This is so cool! I am really proud designer of PickleBeerryPop! Thank you very much Faye, Sheri and Julie! 

пятница, 9 января 2015 г.

Your elegant photobook Vol.5 and bundle

Hi my friends! Сan't believe I writing here again! I'm a little lost the habit, but I will make up for lost :)
First of all - THANK YOU ALL for your words of support. I am very happy to read them and see what you are pleased of my return. Thank you for this!
Let's see what I prepared for you today :)
As I wrote - I started from the place where finished, so we have continuing of "Your elegant photobook" series and the fully bundle with all 5 sets. 

Your elegant photobook Vol.5

Available at PBP 

This is a set of ready-to-use double templates to create your beautiful photobook in one general style. The set already contain elegant background-papers! So all what you need to create beautiful photobook is in the one set!

It is perfect for wedding, family, baby photobooks or books from pregnancy photoshoot. All the most tender photos will look magnificently in these templates!

You can use included papers or add your own and get another look!
All the templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties which you can change how you need. Just add your photos!

This set include:
5 double templates (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix).
2 beautiful background-papers  (7500x4000 pix, so you have possibility to move them in template how you need)

All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG & TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

Elegant Bundle #1

Available at PBP 

If you still do not have any single set of "elegant" series, you'll love this bundle, because with it you'll get all 25+ ready-to-use double templates and full collection of 10+ beautiful tender papers in one pack! It's 15% off during some days so be quick if you want it :) 

This bundle contains all 5 single sets from "elegant" series:
Your elegant photobook Vol.1
Your elegant photobook Vol.2
Your elegant photobook Vol.3
Your elegant photobook Vol.4
Your elegant photobook Vol.5

Your elegant papers #1 (PU)

Available at PBP 

If you already have 1 or 2 sets from this series and just want more papers look at this set: it contains all 10+ papers from "Elegant" series, so you can expand your collection and have more opportunities for design. You can also use these papers in your other scrapbook-layouts, they will look wonderful and gentle!
They are adapted for double pages so they are 7500x4000 pix!

Let's see at our pages from the 5th set:

by Nataliya Zima
by me
by Natalka
by Art-Bakin
by  Juliya

I guess you want to know who is the lucky today and won my set? The random said this is Maca with the comment in blog! Congrats and waiting for you with your coupon!

Don't forget to join to my newsletter to get extra 10% off on every new set!

вторник, 6 января 2015 г.

Come back and announcement

Hi all! Can't believe but I am here with new announcement :))) Great news, isn't it? I really missed for the design, and I am glad that I can finally give time for it! It was almost 6 months without designing.... wow... too long to believe! So... Let's start from that on what ended :)))) (I really hope that I wrote this phrase right and you'll understand it. Otherwise - I'm sorry for my English)

My 5th set of Elegant photobook templates will coming this Friday (January 9th) in PBP shop! And read carefully, because your chances of winning are increase!

"Your elegant photobook Vol.5"


Do you want to win this set? Now you have 4 chances!

1) leave a comment here in blog
2) leave a comment on Facebook page
3) share the message on FB page  
4) rePin this on Pinterest!

and on Friday will be chosen one winner who'll get this set for FREE!

And be sure you are subscribed to newsletter to don't miss out my new releases and sales and surprises :)

Jasmin-Olya Designs
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