среда, 26 июля 2017 г.

New releases in my shop

Hi my friends! I am sorry for not regular posts in my blog. Time run too fast for me, so today I'll write about all what was released during last time. Let's see:

Firstly: my new set of photobook templates: 

Your elegant photobook Vol.11

available at PBP

This set perfectly comblines with Elegant bundle #2, so you can use them together, all styles can be copied from one project to another.

My subscribers will get EXTRA 10% discount with purchasing of this set. 

Our pages from the set:

Secondly: my new CU products:
(click on images)

CU Flowers Vol.26 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Flowers Vol.27 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Flowers Vol.28 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

CU Games Vol.1 - lotto (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Books Vol.2 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Retro set Vol.1 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) 

CU Mix Collection Vol.9 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Wonderful childhood Vol.4 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Spring time Vol.3 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

CU Spring branches Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Flowers Vol.25 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Mix Collection Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)
And thirdly: Summer lovin' SALE:
You'll find Summer-theme products with 30% discount in my shops:
Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

Jasmin-Olya Designs

среда, 5 июля 2017 г.

New templates and CU

Hi my friends! Let's see what's new today in my shops

My PU shopMy CU shop

Your classic photobook Vol.57

available at PBP

and the bundle

One style pack #10
available at PBP

This is bundle-pack, contains 5 sets of my photobook-templates in one general style.   
This pack include my sets:

They are great choice for creating photobooks where you want to show a "story in pictures" or to create a mood with a lot of details, or for reportage photoshoots.  Magic blending is optional, so you can use it and it will create beautiful effect in your LO. Or you can set it off, and you'll get absolutely another template. You 'll have full set of options to customuze all properties of your page.

This pack include 25 double-templates + some additional variants (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix). So each page in your book will be harmonious and you will not have to think about how to pick a pair of your single layouts.

Our pages from the Vol.57:

And: my new CU product:

CU Games Vol.1

Available at PBP

And also previous sets you might have missed:
(click on images)

CU Sea mood Vol.1 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Paper Flowers Vol.1 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Leaves knots Vol.3 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

CU Flowers Vol.23 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Books Vol.1 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Sea mood Vol.2 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

CU Flowers Vol.24 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Wonderful childhood Vol.4 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Spring time Vol.3 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

CU Spring branches Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Flowers Vol.25 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Mix Collection Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

Jasmin-Olya Designs

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