воскресенье, 16 апреля 2017 г.

CU Grass Vol.2 (clover) + new LOs

Hi didgiscrapwers! Here is my new CU new set

CU Grass Vol.2 (clover)

Available at PBP 

 And our new LOs from one-style sets Your classic photobook Vol.4, 13, 55:

LO by Skripka from Your classic photobook Vol.4

LO by Juliya  from Your classic photobook Vol.4

LO by Art-Bakin from Your classic photobook Vol.13

LO by me from Your classic photobook Vol.13

LO by Nataliya Zima from Your classic photobook Vol.55

LO by Elena_Y from Your classic photobook Vol.55

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Jasmin-Olya Designs

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