четверг, 25 августа 2016 г.

CU Beautiful things Vol.3 and new LOs

Hi friends! I am on "tender wave" so today you'll see beautiful and tenderest girlish set from me.

CU Beautiful things Vol.3

Available at PBP and CU4U

And of course here are our new pages from my templates! This time let's see what we created using  "Your Elegant photobook Vol.6" and  "Your Elegant photobook Vol.7".
As you can see, templates are very universal and you can change every element to create your own style os book!

And one more new for creative people :)
Our shop looking for CT member, so if you are ready email info@pickleberrypop.com 

...be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting. You'll find there some freebies ;)

Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 19 августа 2016 г.

Sunshine collection: more pages and more FREEBIEs

Hi friends!
Thank you very much for your kind and sweet words. I am very glad that you like my "Sunshine" collection. I want to show you more beautiful pages from it today. Remember that ALL pages what you see, you can find both as clusters or as quick pages!

Sunshine - BUNDLE (+free add-on)

And do you want one more FREEBIE

I will send it to all my SUBSCRIBERS today, so
...be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting
If you are not, just do it faster and enjoy, because I'll give it to all new subscribers too! 
*Freebie will sent you next day after you'll subscribed.

And that was not last pleasure gift :)
All subscribers will find 2 coupons for 10 and 15% off with every $5 and $10 orders! 
Enjoy and thank you for you are with me!

Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 12 августа 2016 г.

Sunshine collection

Hi the digiscrap world!
I am here today with something new, and it's a big eveny for me :). Thi week I am featured designer in PBP, so we can meet little more closer :)

You know that I didn't designing any scrapbook kits during a long time.There were a reasons for it, but I came back with new digital kit named "Sunshine". This is the kit about summer days, full of sunny mood! I have collected all the summer warmth and preserved in this kit, so it will warm your hands and hearts during wet autumn or cold winter! Wild flowers and fresh grass, paper or wooden frames, funny butterflies and waving flags will decorate your summer photos. Warm colors of papers will helps to create unforgettable atmosphere of summer days in your alboom.
I hope you'll like it!

"Sunshine" collection
Sunshine - BUNDLE (+free add-on)

Here are some pages from collection: 

And also here is a FREEBIE for you: 

it's a QP made by NataliyaZima from my kit:

And here is a page with free QP

Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

Jasmin-Olya Designs

вторник, 2 августа 2016 г.

New products in the shop

Hi all!
Our Birthday sale is start! Everything is 40% off!

It's time to unpack our Lolly Bags and see what is inside :) Now you can buy every set separatelly:

CU Ivy Vol.1

Available at PBP 

CU Beautiful things Vol.2

Available at PBP 

Your elegant photobook Vol.6

Available at PBP 

Your elegant photobook Vol.7

Available at PBP 
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