четверг, 21 марта 2019 г.

Behind the scenes

Hi friends! Today I got the idea that it would be interesting to show a little bit behind the scenes. How are my kits made? What do you think about this idea?

Honestly it is different process from time to time. Now the newest kit is "First Birthday Party" so I'll talk about it this time. May be (if it will interesting for you) I'll do the same for other kits too :) Will see.

I have a son. Now he is at an age when he not only WANTS, but CAN also help. Every Mom know situations when you doing somethins and her child come into the room and he/she also "NEED TO DO THE SAME". Isn't it?

Working on this set was the first time when it happened seriously. He came in and had seen I was making these 'circles-harmonica'. You can find them on preview - those yellow and green items.

These circles were first. Then we made all the elements together since that moment, lol! And then we made stars together, photographed fabric flags, he painted 'present boxes', cutted arrows, flowers, etc.

Here are some photos how they look before they became the kit "First Birthday Party". 

Photos were token by my phone right now (few minutes ago), so I am sorry for quality of these photos. (Just for notice: when I take photos for my kits, I use studio light, so you should not worry about quality). And more details:



And I also very love these handmade and handdrawn stars. Especially which one with smile on it :)


I think I have to pay son a commission for participation, what do you think?

PS: And yes, I have mouse pad with the logo of PBP, which I use so far. Faye sent it to me 2 or 3 years ago (or more?). I love it very much and this is my fetish that motivates me. :)

So.... let me know what do you think about such stories? Is it interesting? I know, my English isn't perfect, I am sorryy for that. Hust hope you can read it and understand :))

Jasmin-Olya Designs

среда, 20 марта 2019 г.

First Birthday Party

Hi friends!!! Today I prepared something special! It's my new collection

First Birthday Party

This collection is for * PARTY * for our little ones :) Celebrating of Birthday or just for one funny day. It is full of colorful elements and pure papers.

Berry Big Deal Bundle $8.00 for 8 packs,
50% OFF for individual packs
special price till March 22 only

Here are our LOs from this collection

Here are my last CU products:
CU Grass Vol.4 - clover (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Green Leaves Vol.4 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)
CU Wonderful childhood Vol.6 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Ribbons Vol.11 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Ribbons Vol.10 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)
CU Ribbons Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Retro set Vol.2 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) (CLONE) CU Ribbons Vol.9 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

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Jasmin-Olya Designs

среда, 13 марта 2019 г.

Your classic photobook Vol.67

Hi friends!!! Here is new set of photobook templates!

Your classic photobook Vol.67

These templates good combine with the set Vol.3
Your classic photobook Vol.3 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

The templates of this collection are romantic, some of them include title and a couple of lines of journaling for just make a note of something interesting or important for years!

Here are our LOs from this collection. I LOVE how they look!

Here are my last CU products:
CU Grass Vol.4 - clover (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Green Leaves Vol.4 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)
CU Wonderful childhood Vol.6 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Ribbons Vol.11 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Ribbons Vol.10 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)
CU Ribbons Vol.8 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) CU Retro set Vol.2 (Jasmin-Olya Designs) (CLONE) CU Ribbons Vol.9 (Jasmin-Olya Designs)

Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

Jasmin-Olya Designs

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