пятница, 30 октября 2015 г.

CU Wonderful childhood

Hi my friends!  
Today I prepare beautiful brand-new CU set for you

CU Wonderful childhood
Available at PBP and CU4U

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Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 23 октября 2015 г.

CU Frames and new pages

Hi friends!  
While I am in the process of returning to scrap a reality, I will delight you little bit by CU products. This time by frames. Different and very necessary and useful frames :). Please note that these products have been a part of my Lolly bag-2015, but now they are available separately in my shop. If you already have my lolly bag-2015, please do not buy these sets

CU Frames Vol.4

Available at PBP and CU4U

CU Frames Vol.5

Available at PBP and CU4U

And let's see some new pages from my sets of templates :)

Page by Elena_Y from Your classic photobook Vol.51a

Page by Nataliya Zima from Your classic photobook Vol.52a

Page by Art Bakin from Your classic photobook Vol.53

Page by Skripka from Your classic photobook Vol.54a

Page by Juliya from Your classic photobook Vol.50a

Page by Natalka from Your classic photobook Vol.52

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Jasmin-Olya Designs

пятница, 16 октября 2015 г.

CU Happy New Year

Hi my friends! Welcome back, Jasmin-Olya, lol! 
Does somebody still remember me? Crazy busy and fast life))))
But today I decide not to be late )))))) So I made something to help you prepare to Christmas and New Year. Lol, yes, I know that it's only October now. But if you are a designer, you know why I made it now Смайлик «smile»
Three new CU sets are already in my shop
Let's see:

CU Happy New Year Vol.2

Available at PBP 

CU Happy New Year Vol.3
Available at PBP 

CU Happy New Year Vol.4

Available at PBP 

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Jasmin-Olya Designs
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