пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.

New pages

Hi dear friends! Today I want to show you our new pages from the bundle "One style pack #7"

page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.41
page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.42
page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.43
page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.44
page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.45
page from OSP #7 or Your classic photobook Vol.41

See also another sets of double templates:

Vol.46 _ Vol.47 _ Vol.48 _ Vol.49  _Vol.50

Or see big One style packs (~OSP):

OSP #6 _OSP #7_OSP #8 _OSP #9 _OSP #10

And one more important thing:

I am writing you about little Anna again today. Hope you remember her and our collab that was made in order to collect money for her treatment in Germany. Unfortunately, not everything went as was planned, so now she needs our help even more than before. I decided to sell the collab again and help to raise some money for her new therapy. Stores owners were so generous last time and helped us with the selling of the collab very much but I don't dare to ask them again for this favor as it requires much work from their side. If you would like to buy "New life" collab or some of its parts and help us with some money for a little girl you can transfer money directly to Сharity foundation pay pal account die-hoffnung-bleibt-immer@gmx.de with the mandatory note "Destination: FOR ANNA STORCHAK" and I'll send you direct links for downloading (please save the Pay Pal check when sending money). It's not so fast and efficient as it could be with the shops, but any help is important. So, let's try. Your prayers are also highly appreciated.
 Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you very much!!!

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пятница, 23 августа 2013 г.

Your classic photobook Vol.46

Hi my friends! I am here with my new set of photobook-templates.

Your classic photobook Vol.46

Available at PBP and DDR

Do you want to create your own photobook easily and simply? Do it using photos only! No need for kits or other elements. Each template focuses on your photos and is not distracted by superfluous details.

This set completely combines with my sets of templates:
Your classic photobook Vol.14
and Your DVD Cover Vol.5

This set include 5 double templates (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix). So each page in your book will be harmonious and you will not have to think about how to pick a pair of your single layouts.

All templates are in 4 versions:  PSD (2 variants, for photoshop and for other programs), PNG and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you. 

Here are some samples from this set:

See also my previous sets of double templates:

Be sure you are subscribed to my newsletter to don't miss anything interesting

понедельник, 19 августа 2013 г.

New printed book and the end of sale

Hi my friends! Only few hours left to the end of sale in PBP, so... be faster if you want to grab something!

And also I want to show you one more beautiful printed photobook and DVD disk by Nataliya Zimina (Nataliya Zima).
This book was designed from my templates from the "One style pack #7"
and the DVD cover was designed with the set DVD Covers Collection #5

Thank you, Nataliya, for sent me these wonderful photos, I really love to look at them! Fantastic work! 

четверг, 15 августа 2013 г.

понедельник, 12 августа 2013 г.

Store wild sale!

And I have 3 CU sets this week, which sold earlier as Lolly Bag 2


воскресенье, 11 августа 2013 г.

"Deal of the day" - day 6

Hi my friends!
Today is the last day of our "Deal of the day" promo. And I prepare the last summer product for it - beautiful overlays for your summer pages. 50% Off today for "Flower Melody Overlays+FREE Addon (Jasmin-Olya Designs)"

Available at PBP

суббота, 10 августа 2013 г.

"Deal of the day" - day 5

Hi my friends! Today is the 5th (penultimate) day of the "Deal of the day" promo. And today selected product is "DVD covers collection #4". Buy it today for only 50% of it usual price! You have only 24 hours to grab it!

And some our examples from this set:

пятница, 9 августа 2013 г.

Your CD Covers #2 and "Deal of the day" day 4th

Hi all!
Today I present for you the second set of templates for CD covers. As always my DVD and also CD covers are good combines with my photobook-templates, thus you may design beautiful sets "book+disk" from your photos. 

Your CD Covers #2

Available at PBP

This is a not a secret that we keep the most of our photos on disks. Let's make our disks beautiful and stylish! This is simply using my set!

This set contains layered templates for creating gorgeous covers and labels for your CD disks! (adapted for standard size of CD jewel boxes)

- 3 variants of cover templates (separate files for front and back sides of CD box)
- and 4 variants of label template
(totally 8 PSD/PNG/TIF files + variant of designs inside file)

All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties. Just add your photos!
All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

The one more good thing is that this set well combines with my
photobook templates One style pack #3
and DVD-covers templates DVD covers collection #2
Therefore your disks and books will looking fabulous together!  

This product is Personal and S4H Use.

And of course our samples from this set:

And also today is the 4th day of the "Deal of the day" promo. The next selected product with 50% discount, and again you have only 24 hours to grab it! So... be faster!

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