воскресенье, 27 мая 2012 г.

1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU!

It's time for 1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU
It's your chance to save your money!

пятница, 25 мая 2012 г.

Your classic photobook Vol. 26

Your classic photobook Vol. 26

Available at PBP

SAVE 15% OFF during this weekend (25-27 May) + extra 10% OFF for my subscribers!

This is my new set of double templates to create your photobook in one general style. This set completely combines with my set of photobook templates:
Your classic photobook Vol.10
Your classic photobook Vol.24
Your classic photobook Vol.25
Your DVD Covers Vol.7
Your DVD Covers Vol.8

So you will get a wonderful possibility to design your unique beautiful album and DVD cover in one general style.

Do you want to create your own photobook easily and simply? Do it using  photos only! No need for kits or other elements. Each template focuses on your photos and is not distracted by superfluous details.

My set "Your classic photobook" includes 5 double templates  and 3 additional variants (24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix). So each page in your book will be harmonious and you will not have to think about how to pick a pair of your single layouts.

All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties.
Just add your photos!

All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.
This time PNG files are more detailed: every detail of layer style was saved as single PNG file for your easy work with templates!

This product is Personal and S4H Use. 

Here are fantastic pages created by my amazing CT and me
(click on image to see larger)

See also my another sets of double templates:
Your classic photobook Vol.23____ __________ Your classic photobook Vol.24
Your classic photobook Vol.25____ ________________________________

Are you ready to know who is winner?

Thank you all for your comments!
My congratulations to Sharon
Contact me to get your coupon ;)

вторник, 22 мая 2012 г.

New set soon and chance to WIN!

Hi all! I am here with new sneak peek! The new set of PHOTOBOOK-TEMPLATES will be available this Friday in PBP shop!


Do you want to win this set? You have 2 chances as usually!

Leave a comment here in blog and in Facebook page 
and in Friday will be chosen one winner who'll get this set for FREE!

*For FaceBook please press "Share" on the message about the set. Only who pressed will take part in the game ;) And don't forget to leave a comment =)

Also all subscribers of Jasmin-Olya's newsletter will get 10% discount, so be faster to join

суббота, 19 мая 2012 г.

About Feedback/ Об обратной связи

Что-то случилось с моим помощником - сервисом обратной связи kontactr, я не могу отправить ни одного ответа тем, кто мне пишет, потому что он не показывает вашего обратного адреса. Поэтому пока вынуждена отказаться от него и попросить вас писать ваши вопросы напрямую на имейл: jasminolya@rambler.ru или facebook 

Something happened to my "assistant" - service of feedback kontactr, I can not send any reply to those who wrote to me, because it doesn't show your return e-mail address. Therefore, I forced to abandon it and ask you to write your questions directly to email address: jasminolya@rambler.ru  or facebook 

пятница, 18 мая 2012 г.

CU Flowers Vol.16

CU Flowers Vol.16

Available at shops:

This set contents 10 realistic floral elements that were photographed and extracted by me. They are on a transparent background carefully checked for stray pixels. Saved individually in png format with 300 dpi. Dropshadows are not include. 

- 1 bouquet
- 5 single flowers
- 2 stems with buds
- 2 close-up flower heads

This set is for commercial and personal use. Not for freebies. Please read my TOU through carefully for more information. You can find it at store and inside the archive with elements. My Commercial TOU is available in English, French and Russian languages. 

New pages for inspiration

Hi all! Time for inspiration :). I want to show you new pages by our team from my photobook-templates :)
Click on images to see larger size

Page from Your classic photobook Vol.10 by Jasmin-Olya

Page from Your classic photobook Vol.12 by Skripka

Page from Your classic photobook Vol.19 or One style pack #1 by Nataliya Zima

Page from Your classic photobook Vol.24 by Juliya

Page from Your classic photobook Vol.22 or One style pack #2 by Natalka

пятница, 11 мая 2012 г.

"Your classic photobook Vol.2" - rebrending ))

Hi my friends! Today I want to call your attention to my not new set "Your classic photobook Vol.2". We with my amazing CT girls continuing to renew my sets, and this time we decided to work with a set number 2, which is part of a "One style pack #2." So here are some wonderful new pages and new preview of this set!

Firstly new preview:

And it was old preview if you remember:

And our new pages (click on images to see larger):

by Natalka:

by Nataliya Zima:

by me:

by Juliya:

by Skripka:

and this week you can buy this set with discount :)

Happy weekend! 

суббота, 5 мая 2012 г.

Last day of iNSD sale!

Last day of iNSD sale!!! 

Be faster if you want to buy more for less money! Don't miss your chance!
40% store wild sale
and more from me for my subscribers!

Photobucket Photobucket

пятница, 4 мая 2012 г.

CU Baby Vol.1

CU Baby Vol.1

Available at: CU4U and PBP

***Warning: some elements from this set were sell in store grab bag "Baby" 

This set contents 19 painted elements (5 unique + 9 recolored + 5 WA) that were created by me. They are on a transparent background. Saved individually in png format with 300 dpi. Dropshadows are not include. 

iNSD event is continuing!!!

40% store wild sale
and more from me for my subscribers!

Photobucket Photobucket

четверг, 3 мая 2012 г.

Event is continuing!

Happy iNSD!!! Event is continuing!

Let's celebrate with big savings!
40% store wild sale
and more from me for my subscribers!

Photobucket Photobucket

среда, 2 мая 2012 г.

Your DVD Cover Vol.8 and DVD Collection #2

Hi my friends! Today I have prepared for you two new sets of DVD Covers.

Your DVD Cover Vol.8

Available at Pickleberrypop

This is a not a secret that we keep the most of our photos on disks.  Let's make our disks beautiful and stylish! This is simply using my set!

The set contains 2 layered templates (+2 additional variants) for creating gorgeous covers and labels of your disk!

- 1 cover template ( +2 additional variants )
- and 1 label template

DVD Covers Collection #2

Available at Pickleberrypop

This is bundle-pack, contains 2 sets of my DVD-covers templates in one general style.    

This pack include sets:
Your DVD Cover Vol.7 (for
  horizontal -oriented main photos)
Your DVD Cover Vol.8 (for
vertical -oriented main photos)  

So now it is very easy to create your beautiful and stylish DVD disk! Now it is much simpler to choose a favorite picture, regardless of horizontal it or vertical orientation! 
The pack contains 6 layered templates for creating gorgeous covers and labels of your disk!

- 3 covers template (+variants)
- and 3 labels template

All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties. Just add your photos!  
Adapted for standard size of DVD disk.
All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, TIF and PNG. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

The one more good thing is that this set well combines with my sets of photobook templates:
So your disks and photobooks will looking fabulous together!   

Here are some examples from me and my CT: (using DVD Cover Vol.8)
You can find all my sets separately:

This product is Personal and S4H Use.

***   ***   ***
Happy iNSD!!!

Let's celebrate with big savings!
40% store wild sale
and more from me for my subscribers!

Photobucket Photobucket
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