вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

Your DVD Cover Vol.1

This product created exclusively for PickleBerryPop

Available only at PBP

This is a not a secret that we keep the most of our photos on disks. Let's make our disks beautiful and stylish! This is simply using my set!
The set contains layered templates for creating gorgeous covers and labels of your disk!

- 2 cover templates
- and 1 label template

All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties. Just add your photos!
Adapted for standard size of DVD disk.
All templates are in 2 versions: PSD and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.

The one more good thing is that this set well combines with my photobook templates. Therefore your disk and book will looking fabulous together!

This product is Personal and S4H Use.

See my samples of using templates.

Don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter 

четверг, 24 марта 2011 г.


Что-то завалялись у меня странички с челленджей в компе. Покажу немножко.

For the Januar Flavour of the Month Challenge
The right side of my pair of pages.

The left side of pair of pages
inspired by Januar Flavour of the Month Challenge

Paper and one WA are from [ link ]
some spots are from [ link ]
pattern on mask is from [ link ]
transparent flower pattern, green circkles spot and orange paper flowers are from [ link ]
Brown circkles spot is from [ link ]
Brown paper flower is from [ link ]
Butterflies are from [ link ] (recolored)
WA is from [ link ] (recolored)

понедельник, 21 марта 2011 г.

Today is 1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU!

Today is 1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU
It's your chance to save your money!

Here are my products for special price - just $1.99!

And we have wonderful Easter Grabbag in store now!

четверг, 17 марта 2011 г.

Your Classic photobook Vol.15

I created a new collection of photobook-templates for you! Look at this!

Your Classic photobook Vol.15

Available at SHOPS:  PBP and CPD

This is my new set of double templates to create your photobook in one general style. This set well combines with my sets Your classic photobook Vol.8
So you will get a wonderful possibility to design your big beautiful album with photos of your sweet one in one style.

Do you have many photos around one event? Or a lot of pictures from your travel with many beautiful places on them? You want to show as many as possible details?

Do you want to create your own photobook easily and simply? Do it using photos only! No need for kits or other elements. Each template focuses on your photos and is not distracted by superfluous details.
My set "Your classic photobook" includes 5 double templates ( 24x12 inches, 7200x3600 pix). So each page in your book will be harmonious and you will not have to think about how to pick a pair of your single layouts.
All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties. Just add your photos!
All templates are in 3 versions: PSD, PNG and TIF. Use the format which is comfortable for you.
This product is Personal and S4H Use.

This is my samples created from these templates

See also my previous sets of photobook:

Your classic photobook Vol.1
Your classic photobook Vol.2

Your classic photobook Vol.3
Your classic photobook Vol.4
Your classic photobook Vol.5
Your classic photobook Vol.6
Your classic photobook Vol.7
Your classic photobook Vol.8
Your classic photobook Vol.9
Your classic photobook Vol.10
Your classic photobook Vol.11
Your classic photobook Vol.12
Your classic photobook Vol.13
Your classic photobook Vol.14

воскресенье, 13 марта 2011 г.

Wedding photobook

I'd like to show you one of my favorite photobooks, created by me with my templates "Your classic photobook"

понедельник, 7 марта 2011 г.

Today 1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU

Today is 1.99$ Monday Madness in CU4YOU
It's your chance to save your money!

Here are my products for special price - just $1.99!

Also new products in my store:

And we have wonderful Easter Grabbag in store now!

LO from "Our Hearts" collab

Очень кстати мне на глаза попался челлендж в PickleBerryPop - в его рамках на одном дыхании сделалась страничка из нашего с Леной коллаба Our Hearts

collab by e-lena and Jasmin-Olya Designs Our Hearts
Template by NH Designz - free for March Challenge
Надеюсь, вам тоже нравится :)

суббота, 5 марта 2011 г.

CU Doodles Vol.5 and Vol.6

Here are my new products:

CU Doodles Vol.5

Available at stores: PBP, CU4U, CPD, SFS

There are 6 doodles in the set. Created for commercial and personal use in high resolution and 300 dpi. Without drop-shadows. Each item saved individually in PNG format. All of them are shown on preview.

And the next one product created exclusively for Creative Pixels Design

CU Doodles Vol.6

Available only at CPD

There are 6 doodles in the set. Created for commercial and personal use in high resolution and 300 dpi. Without drop-shadows. Each item saved individually in PNG format. All of them are shown on preview. 

See also my another sets of doodles 

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